40 makes up the rear of a train at Poplar
23/08/2008 • 003419
40 and 63 at opposite sides of the westbound island platform at Poplar
23/08/2008 • 003420
40 eases over the pointwork onto the single line section between Stratford and Pudding Mill Lane, having just left Stratford station
23/08/2008 • 003439
40 on the new viaduct approaching West Silvertown
03/12/2005 • 002405
40 entering West India Quay, having come from the city
29/06/2005 • 001578
40 showing off its 'all-over advert' for the DLR, incorporating the new TfL-standard DLR roundel
08/06/2004 • 001070
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