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: Trams in the UK : facts and figures

Some facts and figures:

SystemBlackpool TramwayTyne and Wear MetroDocklands Light RailwayMetrolinkSheffield SupertramMidland MetroCroydon TramlinkNottingham Express Transit
Route length (miles)114720241812179
Number of stops6160393748233823
First section opened18851980198719921994199920002004
Extended since opening of initial networkyesyesyesyesnononono
Most recent section opened19262002200520001995199920002004
Further extensions plannedyesnoyes—including two under constructionyesnoyesyesyes
Street runningyesnonoyesyesyesyesyes
Tunnel sectionsnoyesyesyes (short ex-railway tunnels)noyes (short ex-railway tunnel)yes (short ex-railway tunnel)no
Elevated sectionsnonoyesyesnononoyes
Former railway alignmentsnoyesyesyesyesyesyesyes
Replaced 'heavy rail' servicenoyesnoyesnonoyesno
Track gaugestandardstandardstandardstandardstandardstandardstandardstandard
Electricity supply550v DC: overhead trolley wire1500v DC: overhead catenary750v DC: third rail750v DC: overhead catenary/trolley wire750v DC: overhead trolley wire750v DC: overhead trolley wire750v DC: overhead trolley wire750v DC: overhead catenary/trolley wire
Current collectionpantograph/trolley polepantographbottom contact collector shoepantographpantographpantographpantographpantograph
Number of vehicles75—includes historic and stored cars90933225162415
Oldest vehicle1901 (historic tram) / 1934 (normal fleet)1975 (prototypes)1991 (B90 stock)1992 (Phase One trams)1994199919982003
Newest vehicle1988 (new) / 2002 (rebuilt)19822003 (B92 stock, second batch)1999 (Phase Two trams)1994199919992003
Passengers (April 2006-March 2007)-millions3.437.963.919.814.04.924.610.1
Passenger miles (April 2006-March 2007)-millions618318712926328027

Standard gauge = 4′ 8½″ (1435mm)
Passenger figures source: Department for Transport, 2007.

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