Nottingham's annual Goose Fair, the largest in the country, is held on open space next to The Forest tram stop. Part of the fair occupies the car park—the tram stop is open as usual but the Park & Ride operation ceases whiles the fair is held. NET lays on extra trams to deal with fairgoers.
These pictures are from the 2005 fair, open from 5th–9th October. Click here for pictures from the 2004 Goose Fair.
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Goose Fair 2005. The fair takes place on The Forest recreation ground, and also takes over NET's Park & Ride car park. This is the city-bound platform of The Forest, with one of the entrances to the fair on the left
08/10/2005 • 002275
Goose Fair 2005. 201 with a Phoenix Park service. In the centre platform 211 acts as a safety barrier—having a tram parked here forces passengers to cross the tracks at the end of each platform
08/10/2005 • 002276
Goose Fair 2005. There were an abundance of NET staff at The Forest to ensure everything went smoothly; in the layby at the side of the northbound stop were three of NET's vans
08/10/2005 • 002277
Goose Fair 2005. Powergen-liveried 213 calls with a Station Street service, with 211 in the centre platforms and the lights of the fair behind
08/10/2005 • 002278
Goose Fair 2005. North end of The Forest stop, with the fair in the background
08/10/2005 • 002279
Goose Fair 2005. Southern end of The Forest stop
08/10/2005 • 002280
Goose Fair 2005. Southern end of The Forest stop, with fairground rides in the background
08/10/2005 • 002281
Goose Fair 2005. There seemed to be fewer fairgoers than last year
08/10/2005 • 002282
Goose Fair 2005. Looking uphill from The Forest, towards Mount Hooton Road and the city
08/10/2005 • 002283
Goose Fair 2005. 212 approaches The Forest from central Nottingham with a Phoenix Park service
08/10/2005 • 002284
Goose Fair 2005. Overall view of The Forest, with the fair on the right-hand side. 211 is acting as a safety barrier in the central platform
08/10/2005 • 002285
Goose Fair 2005. 209, the Westbury Homes tram, picks up northbound passengers
08/10/2005 • 002286
Goose Fair 2005. Overall view of The Forest stop, with the fair on the right-hand side
08/10/2005 • 002287
Goose Fair 2005. The Forest and the fair, as seen from alongside Gregory Boulevard
08/10/2005 • 002288
Goose Fair 2005. On the left 204 arrives at The Forest on a Station Street journey; on the right is the stationary 211
08/10/2005 • 002289
Goose Fair 2005. 204 and 211 at The Forest
08/10/2005 • 002290
Goose Fair 2005. Overall view of the tram stop and fair from the southern end of The Forest
08/10/2005 • 002291
Goose Fair 2005. Overall view of the tram stop and the fair from the northern end of The Forest
08/10/2005 • 002292
Goose Fair 2005. The fair, as seen from the tram stop
08/10/2005 • 002293
Goose Fair 2005. The fair, as seen from the tram stop
08/10/2005 • 002294
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