Night-time pictures of NET.
There are also pictures taken after dark of NET and the Goose Fair, in 2004 and 2005
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203 slides out of Wilkinson Street towards the depot after finishing its day's service
22/05/2005 • 001543
203, having just arrived at Wilkinson Street with a terminating late-night southbound service, goes out of service and prepares to enter the depot for the night
22/05/2005 • 001542
215 at Old Market Square in the evening rush hour. Behind the tram stop in the square are Nottingham's Christmas lights and a German Christmas fair
03/12/2004 • 001130
214 at Old Market Square in the evening rush hour. The 'sheds' on the left are actually stalls in the square's German Chrismas Market
03/12/2004 • 001131
214 glides through the night air away from Old Market Square stop
03/12/2004 • 001132
As 212 waits to depart Old Market Square on a Phoenix Park journey, 208 glides in to the southbound platform
03/12/2004 • 001133
208 and 212 at Old Market Square in the evening rush hour
03/12/2004 • 001134
Full load on the way to the Goose Fair—207 at Radford Road
08/10/2004 • 000840
203 at Phoenix Park, awaiting departure on the 22.58 journey to Station Street. This is the penultimate journey to the city—after the 23.18 trams terminate at Wilkinson Street.
01/09/2004 • 000798
203 at Cinderhill, on a late-night service to Phoenix Park
01/09/2004 • 000797
Night view of Station Street stop, taken from Station Street. The tram line follows the viaduct off to the right. The original railway viaduct crossed the street (off-picture to the left) and continued over Midland Station; now there is a pedestrian footbridge linking the tram stop with the station
30/08/2004 • 000796
Overall view of Wilkinson Street depot at about 3.30am, with trams stabled overnight. In the foreground is the Park and Ride car park of Wilkinson Street stop
30/08/2004 • 000795
209 at Station Street, waiting to depart on a Phoenix Park service
27/08/2004 • 000791
206 at Old Market Square
27/08/2004 • 000794
204 at Old Market Square, heading for Station Street
27/08/2004 • 000793
209 at Old Market Square
27/08/2004 • 000792
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