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Working Instructions for private charter tram (TLRS) 15/5/04

Timings and Notes

Place TimeTDNotes
Depotd103090SAFollow 07SE. Not in Service. IBIS 8888
STa1050 East Platform. CONTROL if time, PA at ST to be used to announce Special tram - not for public use. Change IBIS to 7777 and keep this throughout.
STd1103 latest90KBFollow 08HD. Can run earlier if ready, but not before 1100.
OM n/ba1107 latest Call for permission to use OM x/o n/b to s/b. Can run earlier if ready, once 01SE clear s/b at 1104.
OM s/bd1111 latest90SCX/o to be complete before 04PF n/b and 09SD s/b.
STa1116 latest East Platform
STd111890FDFollow 01HE.
FO (m)a1130 Middle platform. Change ends
FO (m)d113790REFollow 07SF
RC s/ba1141 Get permission to use crossover before arrival. Change ends quickly!
RC s/b (n/b direction)d1144 latest90PFFollow 03PG n/b (RC at 1142). X/o to be clear before 06SE s/b at 1146
PP (non-preferred)a1205 VIA FO (m). Non-stop, catch 03PG and follow to PP asap to allow 03SG to depart PP promptly at 1206. CONTROL to instruct 03SG not to select PPP1 until special has arrived.
PP (non-preferred)d1209 latest90WGRuns as soon as section PP-HV clear.
WS s/ba1217 latest Get permission to use x/o en route. Change ends quickly!
WS s/b (n/b direction)d1218-122190BHCan run earlier if ready, but must follow 06HF (WS n/b at 1218). X/o must be done by 1221 to stay clear of 05SF s/b.
BU n/ba1228 latest Get permission to use crossover. Change Ends
BU n/b (s/b direction)d1229-123290VIFollow 02SF
HV (m) s/ba1232-1235 Get permission to use HV x/o. Wait until 04SH runs from branch s/b1239. CONTROL to instruct 04SH to go even though special is occupying HV (m) s/b.
HV (m) s/bd1240 Follow 04SH. Use HV x/o. Clear before 09PF due at HV n/b branch at 1245.
HV (m) n/bd124490HJCross 08SE at BH at about 1254. To HU (non-preferred).
HUd130090SKCross 01HF at BH at about 1301. Reset HV and WS crossovers if time. Via FO (middle).
TU s/ba1323ish Set down passengers
STawhenever Rest RC and OM crossovers en route if time
STdwhenever90DLEmpty to depot


STStation StreetOMOld Market Square
FOThe ForestRCRoyal Centre
PPPhoenix ParkPPP1Phoenix Park platform 1
WSWilkinson StreetBUBulwell
HV (m)Highbury Vale (mainline)HUHucknall
TUNottingham Trent UniversityBHButler's Hill
s/bsouthboundPAPublic Announcement
IBIS Integrated on-Board Information System (amongst other things, selects the destination display)


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