On April 24th 2005, the last of a set of fifteen tower blocks overlooking the Sheffield skyline was demolished in a controlled explosion.
Grange Tower was the last surviving high-rise block of flats on the Norfolk Park estate, through which Supertrams Halfway route runs. The demolition of these tower blocks has meant a substantial decrease in passenger numbers on this section of the tram network, but the area is now starting to be redeveloped with lower-density housing.
Video clip of the demolition: 7.23Mb Quicktime movie, 1 mins 18 secs duration. Requires Apple Quicktime to watch
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One of the defining features of the Norfolk Park estates, through which the Halfway/Herdings line runs, was the residential tower blocks which dotted this part of the Sheffield skyline. The last one, Grange, was next to Park Grange tram stop, and is seen here being prepared for its demolition, which took place in April 2005. With the removal of the tower blocks and high-density housing in the area, much of the passenger base on this part of the network has been taken away
02/04/2005 • 001328
Notice giving details of service alterations during the demolition of Grange tower block
24/04/2005 • 001346
Grange tower shortly before demolition. The tramlines can be seen in front of the building
24/04/2005 • 001347
Another view of Grange tower. A crowd is starting to form to watch the demolition
24/04/2005 • 001348
104 was one of the last trams to run past Grange tower block. Here it is seen creeping past the crowds and barriers at the edge of the demolition exclusion zone—at this point the road was closed to all but trams
24/04/2005 • 001349
104 running towards Grange tower, shortly before demolition
24/04/2005 • 001350
Park Grange Road—before the road past Grange Tower was closed completely, it was open for trams only
24/04/2005 • 001351
One of the last trams to run south past Grange Tower
24/04/2005 • 001352
Park Grange Road past Grange Tower was closed completely between 11.45 and 12.30. During this time trams were held at either end of the exclusion zone
24/04/2005 • 001353
Composite of video clips, showing the tower being demolished
24/04/2005 • 001354
Grange Tower after demolition—reduced to a three-storey-high pile of rubble
24/04/2005 • 001355
Supertram staff were on location to oversee tram operations during the demolition of Grange Tower. Here a Transit is seen, with tram 124 behind, waiting for the road to be reopened
24/04/2005 • 001356
One of Supertram's Transits waiting to check the tram tracks for debris
24/04/2005 • 001357
124 waits for the all-clear to proceed down Park Grange Road
24/04/2005 • 001358
124 and 108 wait for the all-clear to proceed past the site of Grange Tower, after its demolition
24/04/2005 • 001359
108's centre section now carries and one-third-length advert for Energy Efficiency
24/04/2005 • 001360
108 (nearest the camera) and 124 wait for the road to be reopened
24/04/2005 • 001361
108 on Park Grange Road
24/04/2005 • 001362
One of Supertram's Toyota Landcruisers, on Park Grange Road
24/04/2005 • 001363
Grange Tower, now a pile of shattered concrete
24/04/2005 • 001364
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