Two trams in the new livery at Castle Square stop
26/08/2006 • 003134
104, in the new livery, passing the eastern end of Nunnery depot
19/06/2006 • 002705
104, with gleaming paintwork, is seen sitting at Castle Square on a Purple Line service for Herdings Park. The tram will reverse at Cathedral, passing through Castle Square again in the opposite direction
19/06/2006 • 002716
Front-on view of the new livery, as carried by 104
19/06/2006 • 002717
104, heading up High Street for Cathedral, where the tram will reverse
19/06/2006 • 002718
104, westbound on West Street
27/01/2006 • 002589
104 at Meadowhall South
17/08/2005 • 001941
104 waiting at Arena/Don Valley Stadium for 118 to depart
17/08/2005 • 001942
104, having just departed Attercliffe stop
17/08/2005 • 001943
104 approaching Park Grange stop in Norfolk Park
17/08/2005 • 001977
104 was one of the last trams to run past Grange tower block. Here it is seen creeping past the crowds and barriers at the edge of the demolition exclusion zone—at this point the road was closed to all but trams
24/04/2005 • 001349
104 Approaching Cathedral stop
26/05/2004 • 000440
104 waiting to depart from Middlewood terminus
12/05/2004 • 000439
104 waiting to depart from Halfway terminus for Malin Bridge
10/05/2004 • 000437
104 crossing the Commercial Street bridge
10/05/2004 • 000438
104 calls at University of Sheffield, en route for Malin Bridge
22/01/2004 • 001190
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