120 on Glossop Road, between West Street at Sheffield University stops
02/08/2007 • 003178
a brace of trams at Hillsborough
11/10/2006 • 003159
120 on the bowstring bridge near Fitzalan Square
26/08/2006 • 003140
With up to 16 trams per hour in each direction on the stretch of track between Fitzalan Square and Cathedral, nose-to-tail trams is a common sight. Here, 120 is pulling into Fitzalan Square stop, having first had to wait for 115 to depart
26/08/2006 • 003141
120 at Cathedral stop. The tram has just reversed here on a Purple Line journey from Herdings Park, and will continue to Meadhowhall
19/06/2006 • 002709
120 heading for the city and Malin Bridge, on Ridgeway Road between Hollinsend and Manor Top/Elm Tree stops
06/08/2005 • 001921
120 climbing the gradient between Woodbourn Road and Nunnery depot; immediately behind the camera is the bridge over the Sheffield–Worksop railway line
16/07/2005 • 001816
120 has now lost its overall advert for Meadowhall shopping centre, in favour of one carried by 116
22/01/2005 • 001200
120 traversing the delta junction, passing an engineer working in the track
22/01/2005 • 001201
The blue side of 120's former all-over advertisment, seen on Church Street between Cathedral and City Hall stops
26/05/2004 • 000493
120 formerly carried an overall advertisement for Meadowhall Shopping Centre, and is seen here on Park Grange Road, between Park Grange and Arbourthorne Road stops. One side of the tram was blue…
12/05/2004 • 000490
…and the other side of 120 was pink. One of the 'quotes' reads "Personally I think trams should be double deckers." 120 in the city centre between Castle Square and Cathedral stops
12/05/2004 • 000491
Close-up of the pink side of 120's former overall advertisement. 120 has now returned to standard Stagecoach Supertram livery
12/05/2004 • 000492
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