Beckton depot was built for the Beckton extension, to service and stable the trains needed for its operation and for the use of double-unit trains across the network. There are servicing and stabling facilities for 45 trains, on a site which formed part of the former Beckton gas works. Rail access is from spurs from the running lines from the Beckton branch (in both directions), and road access to this isloated site is off Armada Way.
Beckton depot, seen from Armada Way. In the background is part of the former Beckton gasworks, still intact, and in the foreground is land which has been cleared—both this and the depot used to be part of the gasworks. This gives some idea of the size of the former gasworks site
24/02/2005 • 001401
Closer view of part of Beckton depot, with the remains of the gasworks in the background
24/02/2005 • 001402
Western end of Beckton depot
29/06/2005 • 001641
Stabling area at Beckton depot; the yellow vehicles visible make up a rail grinding unit. Similar equipment was used in May 2005 on Nottingham Express Transit—click here for pictures
29/06/2005 • 001642
Eastern end of Beckton depot and offices. The land in the foreground is part of the former Beckton Gasworks site, which is being cleared for redevelopment
29/06/2005 • 001643
Stabling area at Beckton depot
29/06/2005 • 001644
Beckton depot in the sunshine. In the foreground is northern curve into the depot from Beckton. Recently-delivered B07 stock can be seen stabled in the sidings on the right
23/08/2008 • 003452
Overall view of Beckton depot, taken from a flyover which crosses the Royal Docks Road. Visible are several B07 units
23/08/2008 • 003455
New sidings on the southern side of Beckton depot, stabling B07 units which had yet to enter service
23/08/2008 • 003456
B07 units stabled in the new sidings at Beckton depot. In the distance is the River Thames
23/08/2008 • 003457
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