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This information is understood to be correct as at 19/7/07, but fares may change at any time without notice and you are advised to check details of fares and validity before travel with NET. Information from NET and Nottingham City Transport.

Only adult fares are given here. Child, student, concession and group fares are also available, please see NET and Nottingham City Transport websites for more information.

NET-only fares

Ticket typePriceValid
Peak single£2.301 journey (issued before 09·30, Mon–Fri)
Off-peak single£1.401 journey (after 09·30 Mon–Fri, all day Saturday)
All day£2.40Unlimited travel on day of issue
Park & RideFreeParking free for NET users
All week£11.00
(£9.00 from PayPoint outlets)
1 week
Season ticket
(available from PayPoint outlets only)
£30.0030 days
£85.0090 days
10 Trip Tickets
(available from PayPoint outlets only)
£10.00 10 single journeys, peak or off-peak

Multi-operator tickets valid on NET

(note: NCT=Nottingham City Transport, includes South Notts and Pathfinder services)

Ticket typeValid on:Valid for:Price
CityRider (NCT)NCT buses within the city area, NET1 day£2.70
Network RiderNCT buses within and outside the city area, NET1 day£5.00
KangarooAll bus operators within the city area, NET1 day£3.00
EasyRider City (NCT)
£1 initial charge for photocard
NCT buses within the city area, NET1 week£13.00 cash
(£12.00 by internet/'phone)
28 days£40.00 cash
(£38.00 by internet/'phone)
1 month£35.00 (Direct Debit only)
3 months£110.00
(£105.00 by 'phone)
6 months£200.00
(£195.00 by 'phone)
1 year£350.00
(£345.00 by 'phone)
Nottingham PLUSBUSUnlimited travel on NET, and on all bus services within the city area; add-on to rail ticket to Nottingham, Bulwell and other stations in the city area
(must be purchased at same time as rail ticket)
1 day
(on day of travel on single or day return)
2 days
(on days of outward and return travel on preiod return)
Trent Barton ConnectUnlimited travel on Trent Barton Connect buses in Hucknall, and NET1 day£3.20

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