Night-time pictures of NET.
There are also pictures taken after dark of NET and the Goose Fair, in 2004 and 2005
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Rear view of 215 at Lace Market
24/11/2005 • 002378
Collin Street viaduct at night, showing how it's illuminated. A tram can just be made out, gliding over the waiting traffic below
24/11/2005 • 002366
Lace Market stop at night, looking in the direction of Old Market Square and Hucknall
24/11/2005 • 002367
209 at Lace Market, heading for Station Street on an evening journey
24/11/2005 • 002368
202 calling at Lace Market on an evening journey to Phoenix Park
24/11/2005 • 002369
Long shot of Old Market Square at night. 209 is approaching the stop on the way to Hucknall
24/11/2005 • 002370
207 at Old Market Square stop
24/11/2005 • 002371
214 on an evening service at Old Martket Square. The square itself is surrounded by hoardings, while remodelling work takes place. In the background is the Council House, adorned with Christmas lights
24/11/2005 • 002372
201 at Old Market Square, heading for Station Street
24/11/2005 • 002373
207, bearing a centre-section 'Supersquare' advert for Two Seasons (a surf/ski shop), calls at Ol Market Square
24/11/2005 • 002374
Tram 207, captured on a long exposure leaving Old Market Square
24/11/2005 • 002375
215 waiting in the southbound platform at Lace Market. In the opposite direction, 201 leaves for Phoenix Park, pursued by other road traffic
24/11/2005 • 002376
202 at Lace Market, one stop before the terminus at Station Street
24/11/2005 • 002377
208 at Station Street
06/08/2005 • 001916
203 between journeys at Station Street terminus
06/08/2005 • 001915
203 at The Forest
06/08/2005 • 001914
Night view up Noel Street from The Forest as a Hucknall-bound tram calls at Noel Street stop. In the distance is Beaconsfield Street tram stop
06/08/2005 • 001913
202 calls at the depot sanding shed for a refill after a day's service
22/06/2005 • 001546
Nocturnal wildlife activity at Wilkinson Street—urban fox trotting across the car park
22/05/2005 • 001545
210 calls at Wilkinson Street on the last northbound journey of the night, to Phoenix Park
22/05/2005 • 001544
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